Where Earth's blinking eyes contracted into cribs of solid water, seasons bearing bladders of ocher released their glandular contents and foetal sentries separated deadened lead from morning's soul, pressing, holding, curling into thighs, tapping on chambers of coiled dark desires cold as a skull, a massive girdle of groiny mysteries, the slippage of subordinated shapes rotating a patchwork of vacated faces, a void whose sinews terrified aslant anatomy, harmonizing offerings to the Other, informing beings who organized into a knotted world that dreams in glimpses.

The Fathers fumed in menstrual chambers of egg-like gaps, scrambling the howls of actual animal substances, a bestial wallowing in the jelly of generative space, and retrievied a topology so warped the staked out appetites of sharpened boundaries looped, curtaining death's headless digits with fingers.

The lines that originate from densities, freeing unnameable alignments, crossed ice-fearing skins with navel endurances beyond themselves; hairless, befallen, breathing the oxygen of an arrogance that has no past.

Finding our animalhood's dark trail strewn with mysteries, we began to trust in the clutching of divisions.

