Other tango partners you might want to try dancing with:

A new journal with art, hypertext and poetry -- -- Aileron, edited by Ed Buffaloe and Michael Gilmore

Cauldron & Net, created by the incredibly talented Claire Dinsmore

BeeHive ... literary theory, poetry and hypertext, hand-coded by editor Talan Memmott.

One of Riding the Meridian's guest editors, Peter Howard, maintains an excellent web site with many online lit resources, as well as information about poetry events in England, and a selection of his own poems at Low Probability of Racoons

One of our favorite co-
-e, +ators, edited by C.K. Tower

Janet Bernichon's elegant collection of poetry.

Co edited by katrina grace craig and Marek Lugowski,
Agnieszka's Dowry
demonstrates what would have happened if Joseph Cornell had lived in the age of image maps and hypertext.

Recursive Angel
David Hunter Sutherland's distinctive poetry magazine.

The Lost Library of Alexandria
Edited by Alexandra Storm-Wykoff, is now lost again. Alexandra has taken up professional wrestling. No, we're not kidding.

Vispo, Jim Andrew's innovative graphics and writing site shows you what could have happened if Apollinaire had owned a computer. Don't miss his 'Seattle Drift.'

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