Loss recommends these online literary links. |
Poet Loss Pequeño Glazier [http://epc.buffalo.edu/authors/gla
zier/] is the author of Digital Poetics (forthcoming from the
University of Alabama Press in 2001), Small Press: An Annotated Guide,
and the collections Leaving Loss Glazier, The Parts, and other
books, as well as numerous published poems, essays, kinetic works, and online
projects including sound files, hypertexts, and CD-ROM publications. Recent
works include "Viz Études," a series of performances that present a
reading and projection of a number of visual, kinetic, text, and
JavaScript-based compositions for electronic space, works which mine the more
pliant possibilities of e-poetry and explore the material dimensions of
in electronic space through the use of elements such as moving text, imbedded
sound files, and layered text as properties of writing. An installation of
"Viz Études" for magnetic media was included in the "The Next Word" Exhibit
at the Neuberger Museum at SUNY Purchase, Fall, 1998. Individual
interations of
"Viz Études" have recently been performed in San Francisco, New York,
Washington DC, Buffalo, Atlanta, London, Salamanca (Spain), Mexico City, and
Bergen (Norway). |