FOUR IN TWO IN TWO (cleaving selected column
with Architects") in Gins' and Arakawa's

breaks from "Interviews and Conversations REVERSIBLE DESTINY)

above build next to
as a given?  a dialogue
but our desires of body
"externalizes" the As a construct
of of geometry
assumes an degree
being can locate
identifies a subject
extraction time as one begins
the engines of parison
not submit ing context
invert the removed from language
playground for the sequence
construction of see its own
as continuous.  to understand
despite the ruse when you say
temporal transitory
the slope should be of
equilibrium his for comparison
as it doesnít reinforce
environ-installed voids.
zero-energy selves
vertical, are.....In that way

is seen that that's the intention.
and becomes another
propose, which twists
the living, of it.
well-with the building
frenzy. in relationship
intertwined may not necessarily
each may For example
framework operating vis-à-vis
adaptive system. the sited body
interrelatedness of the them.
with phenomenal- and spatial sequence
The body impacted response is
person and to a certain extent
conditions interesting relationship to
rebuild always brought to the reading
dimensions of deployment
beyond the rules devices
which one workable possibility
"city"S that we is
instances of have
assemblage of sorts
space by
prompted of
controlled repeating how would
method enables us immediately
perceived object, and productive way.



[the work] [diner] [dialogue][theory & practice] [opportunities][archives] Volume Two, # Two ©1999 - 2000