speaking about media objects

This discussion took place Sept 6, 1999 at a weekly online discussion presented by Trace Online at LinguaMOO.

entropio says, "with infinite editing, is an object an object in the same way? "

Cybele says, "here Im thinking about the actual making of objects."

Cybele says, "not sure I understand your question ent, Im talking about everything being endless editable..."

Cybele says, "we dont have to assume that anything is ever complete, which makes collaboration between people easier."

entropio says, "which means that things are never fixed, unlike works in R"

Cybele says, "exactly."

MazThing [to entropio]: "editing an object is a bit like revising other writing surely, you change location & content etc"

entropio says, "so *object* in a different way?"

Cybele says, "for instance bots is a good example of what I was thinking"

Cybele says, "it is a container that many could create together."

entropio [to MazThing]: "I'm trying to clarify how Cyb's thinking about these works"

Cybele says, "have a meeting & make a bot, might be a good trace exercise."
