This discussion took place Sept 6, 1999 at a weekly online discussion presented by Trace Online at LinguaMOO.
Jan says, "in my experience it takes at least 5-10 MOO sessions before folks
become comfortable with the MOO...sometimes less, sometimes more and some
people will never be comfortable with it no matter what you do"
Cybele says, "it is true that some people will never be comfortable."
MazThing says, "You have spoken before about using bots interacting
responsively to each other to perform/create...I find this idea interesting"
Cybele says, "in more ways than random, programmed responses."
MazThing says, "Yes"
Cybele says, "we'll have to set up a room for them to cohabit."
MazThing says, "Could they not be itinerant travellers?"
Cybele says, "apparently.."
Cybele says, "there are wandering bots, that move on their own"
entropio says, "There are wandering bots at CollegeTown (Ken Schweller's MOO).
Cybele, what about bots as analytical tools? Configuring a bot and observing
its interactions show a lot about the way we use language. After all, they're educational objects."
Cybele has disconnected.
The housekeeper arrives to cart Cybele off to bed.