Celestial Events
One small mote of dust,
Kicked up in the birthplace of planets ...
Travelled across so many light-years,
Came from so far away ...
Carrying with it a universe of sights unseen,
Bits and pieces of wonders we may never behold ...
Collided with Earth's atmosphere,
Sparked up once -- brilliantly ...
Flashed through the night sky,
And opened up my eyes ...
Forced me to follow it to the horizon,
And start really looking at all the other stars.
david mark speer
This photograph was created with support to Space Telescope Science Institute, operated by the Association of Universities for Research in Astronomy, Inc., from NASA contract NAS5-26555 and is reproduced with permission from AURA/STScI. Digital renditions of images produced by AURA/STScI are obtainable royalty-free at http://marvel.stsci.edu/
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