"at the end of 15,000 years of image
we are gathered here, much more than we now
suspect we are." C. Eshleman
The Paleolithic caves of Southern
Europe were the first temples art galleries, and classrooms (kindergarten through a
doctorate in Shamanism). Here we find gestures of our animal past, gestation of mind, the
swaddling of human cultural maturity. A few years ago, my study of these caves, and their cognate, rock art, intensified into Threading the Petrified Glyph, an artist's book that evolved into an electronic version; after which my fascination with the subject didn't abate. Visions of Lascaux opens with a poem linked to a fragment from my net.lit/neuroscience project, Inside the Skull-House: I'd like to thank Jennifer Ley for her generous invitation to present this work on her Digital Lascaux site. Joel Weishaus |